Date: 13-01-2025
The disaster resilience is contemporary concept implied and reinforced around the world to mitigate the effects of natural hazards. The disaster is nexus of interaction between natural hazards and human ecosystem. It is believed that natural hazard itself does not cause loss or damage rather it is poor human settings which convert hazards into disasters. The resilience is a modern practice in disaster management which proactively engage all strata of society to consider disaster risk reduction at planning stage of every single human development. In a true sense, to achieve the resilience against natural disasters it is utmost important to know nature and intensity of natural hazards in conjunction with human population and ecosystem. The hazard and risk information base are fundamental for disaster risk reduction in particular and disaster management in general.
PDMA, Sindh with the technical assistance of SUPARCO and financial support of Govt. of Sindh and The World Bank has developed Multi Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (MHVRA), Disaster Management Information System (DMIS) and Informed Disaster Risk Management Plans (DRM) to feed wide range of disaster management activities in the province.
The outcomes of MHVRA and other various other modules including Sindh GIS; Disaster Warning and Information; Weather Forecast; Store Inventory and Relief Distribution; Rapid Damage Assessment; Rapid Response and Rescue Coordination; Vehicle Tracking; and Video Conferencing are hosted on DMIS dashboard. These modules play a vital role in providing facilitation during complete spectrum of disaster management.
It is anticipated that, in future all strategic, operational and tactical planning concerning to district level disaster management shall be based on MHVRA and DMIS. The DDMAs are encouraged to align disaster management and disaster risk reduction interventions and initiatives referring to risk profiles of UCs / Districts.
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